Vision Casting Notes 12.6.15

December 6th, the Body Church of Texas held its last Vision Casting of 2015.  The meeting took place at the Canyon Gate Clubhouse at Northpointe in Tomball Texas.

The Vision Casting featured an overview of the current standing and accomplishments of the Body Church, reviewing the first mission Matthew 25:35 and the second phase of Matthew 25:35 and Adopt a Family.  Testimonies were shared from all that participated in the mission, and instructions where shared with those looking to participate in Decembers effort.  11

Pastor Johnny stated, “The Body Church seeks to give out what we receive in.”  We must show God that we are a channel of blessing.  While most or hoarding and storing, we will live by the manna provided, knowing that tomorrows needs are being cared for by the Divine.  We must deny ourselves, so that others might be blessed, and trust that God will not only supply our needs, but will give us the desires of our hearts.  Our approach is to change one individual at a time until we have changed the neighborhood he community, the county…..the world.  We are “connected to utilize our gifts and resources to serve one another and our community” Pastor Johnny reminded those in attendance.

6Matthew 25:35 was the result of a member looking upon other with the eyes of compassion, listening to their struggles, and being creative in trying to met their needs.  It is each member looking for ways to make a difference that will allow us to make a great impact for the Lord and win souls for Christ.  Pastor Johnny believes this will be the first of many efforts, as the church will focus not just on evangelism and discipleship, but on service.  He sees a church that completes a community project each week.

In addition to service, Pastor Johnny stressed Discipleship.  Our man mode for making disciples are our groups.  Every member is expected to participate in groups.  At the Body Church, “Membership is Discipleship” he explained.  We want each member not just attending worship to be instructed and inspired, but to find comfort and support in our groups which will teach the word of God, and provide brothers and sisters to hold each person accountable to staying on the narrow path.

Pastor Johnny announced plans for a Saturday Evening Service or Sunday Evening Service.  All are asked to participate in a survey that will be emailed and posted to all social media outlets.  Pastor Johnny explained the format for worship, which features an hour long worship service, bracketed by prayer and council.  When asked about the flow of the Spirit, Pastor Johnny talked about the importance of being sensitive to the Spirit while respecting order.  Though the service will be timed, the Spirit will have the lead in directing the flow of what takes place.  5He cautioned those present not to “consider themselves more holy because of their ability or desire to worship longer than an hour.”  He announced that the church is setting forth with a formula that is designed to reach the community in which we are planting.

The evening concluded with details about Matthew 25:35 for December and Adopt a Family.  A list of needs will be provided by the 11th of December, that members and the community might know the needs of the families we are serving.  Be advised to continue looking at all social networking sights and following the church blog for further details.




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